Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Latly Ross Eden has been giving out my phone number and he has snagged one, thats right a crazy. I can't explain how i know but i do. So if i am not heard of for for than 2 hours im chained up in a bas.ement. Ok mabye i should be more scared but im not so call me stupid.


I totally got ripped off for some guy in future shop. for three hundred bucks i got to watch my iPod i after a month. Fun i know. Brent suggested i throw it against a wall. But i accidentally fixed it first.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Who'd a thunk

Turns out people read my blog, ya i know hard to belive i know. so anyways i guess when i talk about people on here they find out about it. i thought with my extremly low quality of entertainment people would ignore it but i guess not ay. so to test if any one reads this just so i know come to me in the next week and say "lemon tree" and i'll know.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I worst day ever, i think

today i came to school happy and unhurt, ah and unhurt thats important. first we were doing laps of the gym for fitness testing and i totally owned like usual right. Well with all the blood in my head which was pulsing hardcore my nose started to bleed. ok so after about ten minutes the blood stoped only to be restarted 30 seconds later by a ball in the face. ok now i get onto the court and play for a bit when i get thursty, hungry man style thursty. so i go to the change room and get a drink. the i grab a peice of paper towel to dry my face when BAM! i get a paper cut in the eye. if this wasn't bad enough kaylana broke my heart like ten times. other than that though had a great day can't wait for tomorrow.

Friday, November 10, 2006


I tripped OK

all right im taking a break from the what pisses me off segment to talk about the Kegger.
I was totally dope. that pretty much sums it up. Oh and ya you had to have been there

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